About PHI7

About PHI7

We deal in cosmetic ptoducts but before cosmetic use you should wash your face with a good Facewash. We have all type of natural fruit facewashes.

PHI7 Neem Facewash

Neem Facewash has a gentle-cleansing formula perfect for all skin type Normal to Dry.

Premium PHI7 Fruitwine Facewash

Fruitwine Facewash is a great for clogged pores and inflamed skin.Fruitwine Facewash is a popular ingredient to calm down irritated skin, redness, swelling, and any sort of inflammation

Healthy PHI7 Vitamin C Facewash

It soothees the sunburn and act as a moisturizer.

PHI7 Haldi Chandan Facewash

Haldi Chandan is used for soothing, antiseptic and have anti-inflammatory properties which is good for skin.